Business Continuity
For the blogging on business continuity I though the first thing that should be done is to define the term. Here is a good explanation I found on the website
"Business continuity describes the processes and procedures an organization puts in place to ensure that essential functions can continue during and after a disaster. Business continuity planning seeks to prevent interruption of mission-critical services, and to re-establish full functioning as swiftly and smoothly as possible"
The first business continuity plan I found was for a company called Investors Capital Corp. Their plan "defines critical functions, staff assignments, resource requirements, vital records, and alternative work site locations related to restoring business operations with minimal impact"
The second business continuity plan I found was for Harbert Management Corp. The key elements of their plan, which is listed in full at the link provided, includes maintaining evacuation plans, maintaining an emergency contact list, and backing up critical data daily.
Lastly, the third business continuity plan I found was for First Financial Equity Corporation. Their business continuity plan stated the following:
"In short, our business continuity plan is designed to permit our firm to resume operations as quickly as possible, given the scope and severity of the significant business disruption."
Communication with employees is an integral part in all of the business continuity plans I came across. It is vital that a socially responsible company take care of it's employees and their needs, not just their customers, in a time of crisis.
I believe to have good business continuity plans a company must provide numerous lines of communication for employees. The companies also should provide a emergency list of off-site contacts, , to all employees, so that everyone has an opportunity to find out what is going on.
The Center for Disease Control defined isolation as the following:
"Separation of an ill person who has a communicable disease from those who are healthy. Isolation prevents transmission of infection to others and also allows for the focused delivery of specialized health care to ill persons"
Their definition for quarantine is:
"Separation or restriction of activities of well persons who are not ill but who are believed to have been exposed to a communicable disease and are therefore at high risk of becoming infected."
Employee activity would vary greatly between the two because for isolation only a single person, known to be ill, would have to be removed from a workforce. However, when considering a quarantine, large amounts of people can be removed from a workforce, whether they're sick or not.