Thursday, September 14, 2006

Perceptions of Public Relations
The following are the three questions I asked the three people and their answers:
Can you name a person that works in public relations?
1. Ann Richards- Former Texas Governor, who I believe also ran a public relations firm in New York.
2. Tony Snow- New press secretary for the White House
3. A Police Chief- I think they work in PR since they're in charge of issuing statements and things in the community.
How do you define public relations?
1. The act of getting the public aware of a certain topic or special need.
2. Public relations is influencing public perception for your personal cause.
3. The idea of getting people aware of happenings.
What do you think of my definition of PR?
1. Believed that bullet point No. 1 was the most accurate.
2. Agreed with it and thought that it sounded good.
3. Also agreed with the ideas and thought they sounded good.
After completing this assignment, it really changed my perspective on the knowledge people have of PR. I thought, going into this, that most people wouldn't be able to clearly articulate a good definition of the subject. However, I was certainly wrong. I felt that these were all very good and intelligent answers.


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